Christian Stocker
2003-07-16 07:41:02 UTC
We've been quite quiet recently here on this list, but I just wanted to
assure you, that the Bitflux Editor isn't dead. Far from it ;)
We're currently working on an all new version of BXE. An alpha version
should be released very soon (within 2 weeks), with having a more or less
stable release at the end of august.
The new BXE will be based on Mozile/eDOM with added XML Wysiwyg
features. Furthermore it will support validation (based on Relax NG at the
moment) and should be much easier to integrate in your projects.
The best thing to stay updated on the project is watching our blog,
especially the "Bitflux Editor" Category ->
But I will certainly keep this list updated as well from time to time.
We've been quite quiet recently here on this list, but I just wanted to
assure you, that the Bitflux Editor isn't dead. Far from it ;)
We're currently working on an all new version of BXE. An alpha version
should be released very soon (within 2 weeks), with having a more or less
stable release at the end of august.
The new BXE will be based on Mozile/eDOM with added XML Wysiwyg
features. Furthermore it will support validation (based on Relax NG at the
moment) and should be much easier to integrate in your projects.
The best thing to stay updated on the project is watching our blog,
especially the "Bitflux Editor" Category ->
But I will certainly keep this list updated as well from time to time.
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list