A new BXE Release is coming soon
Christian Stocker
2003-07-16 07:41:02 UTC

We've been quite quiet recently here on this list, but I just wanted to
assure you, that the Bitflux Editor isn't dead. Far from it ;)

We're currently working on an all new version of BXE. An alpha version
should be released very soon (within 2 weeks), with having a more or less
stable release at the end of august.

The new BXE will be based on Mozile/eDOM with added XML Wysiwyg
features. Furthermore it will support validation (based on Relax NG at the
moment) and should be much easier to integrate in your projects.

The best thing to stay updated on the project is watching our blog,
especially the "Bitflux Editor" Category ->

But I will certainly keep this list updated as well from time to time.

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Michael Wechner
2003-07-16 08:47:18 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
We've been quite quiet recently here on this list, but I just wanted to
assure you, that the Bitflux Editor isn't dead. Far from it ;)
We're currently working on an all new version of BXE. An alpha version
should be released very soon (within 2 weeks), with having a more or less
stable release at the end of august.
The new BXE will be based on Mozile/eDOM with added XML Wysiwyg
features. Furthermore it will support validation (based on Relax NG at the
moment) and should be much easier to integrate in your projects.
The best thing to stay updated on the project is watching our blog,
especially the "Bitflux Editor" Category ->
is it possible to receive emails from this blog category?

Why don't you host the new version at mozdev (CVS, mailing lists, etc.)?
I am sure it would have much more visibility
this way and other people might join the development because the
platform is much more neutral.

Such a move would still allow you to blog on your website.


Post by Christian Stocker
But I will certainly keep this list updated as well from time to time.
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-07-16 08:54:26 UTC
Post by Michael Wechner
is it possible to receive emails from this blog category?
I will post my blog entries to this list, if wished so. No problem for me
with that
Post by Michael Wechner
Why don't you host the new version at mozdev (CVS, mailing lists, etc.)?
I am sure it would have much more visibility
this way and other people might join the development because the
platform is much more neutral.
We will think about this. At the moment, I prefer to have the (technical)
control over my infrastructure. But it's well possible, that we will move
over to mozdev as soon as I have more time for such things

http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org/ already exists, we just haven't had the
time until now to post something there..

And furthermore, I will contribute as much as possible back to mozile.
I'll get CVS access to it in the next few days. Therefore some kind of
joint developement on mozdev is already happening.
Post by Michael Wechner
Such a move would still allow you to blog on your website.
Really? ;)

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Michael Wechner
2003-07-16 11:59:19 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Michael Wechner
is it possible to receive emails from this blog category?
I will post my blog entries to this list, if wished so.
yes, that would be nice

No problem for me
Post by Christian Stocker
with that
Post by Michael Wechner
Why don't you host the new version at mozdev (CVS, mailing lists, etc.)?
I am sure it would have much more visibility
this way and other people might join the development because the
platform is much more neutral.
We will think about this. At the moment, I prefer to have the (technical)
control over my infrastructure.
what's the problem with the mozdev infrastructure?

But it's well possible, that we will move
Post by Christian Stocker
over to mozdev as soon as I have more time for such things
I can help you on this if you want (populate the CVS, setup the mailing
lists, write some html pages, etc.
Post by Christian Stocker
http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org/ already exists, we just haven't had the
time until now to post something there..
The existence is worthless if there's no movement. Instead of posting on
your own site, you could post on the mozdev site. Release some time at
one end which you can use at the other end.
Post by Christian Stocker
And furthermore, I will contribute as much as possible back to mozile.
I'll get CVS access to it in the next few days. Therefore some kind of
joint developement on mozdev is already happening.

Sorry for being such a pain in the ass, but I think you are repeating
the same mistakes community wise again. I would like to suggest the

1) Choose another name (independent of your company), e.g. the japanese
word for "editor"

2) Host your project at mozdev (CVS and all community tools ...)

3) Let other people in as soon as possible

4) Don't write your code behind closed doors

5) ensure simple integration into all kind of other CMSs


Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Michael Wechner
Such a move would still allow you to blog on your website.
Really? ;)
Michael Wechner
Wyona Ltd. - Open Source Content Management - Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/
***@wyona.com ***@apache.org
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-07-16 12:24:16 UTC
Post by Michael Wechner
Post by Christian Stocker
We will think about this. At the moment, I prefer to have the (technical)
control over my infrastructure.
what's the problem with the mozdev infrastructure?
At the moment, they are in a transition phase and have a huge backlog to
work through (that's what I heard)

Furthermore, my whole setup is adjusted to use my servers. I know, it's
not a big task to move that, but my time is really rare at the moment. I
just don't need more work to do just right now. It will hopefully be
better in a few weeks.
Post by Michael Wechner
But it's well possible, that we will move
Post by Christian Stocker
over to mozdev as soon as I have more time for such things
I can help you on this if you want (populate the CVS, setup the mailing
lists, write some html pages, etc.
I'll take your word ;)
Post by Michael Wechner
Post by Christian Stocker
And furthermore, I will contribute as much as possible back to mozile.
I'll get CVS access to it in the next few days. Therefore some kind of
joint developement on mozdev is already happening.
Sorry for being such a pain in the ass, but I think you are repeating
the same mistakes community wise again. I would like to suggest the
1) Choose another name (independent of your company), e.g. the japanese
word for "editor"
2) Host your project at mozdev (CVS and all community tools ...)
We'll discuss that soon
Post by Michael Wechner
3) Let other people in as soon as possible
4) Don't write your code behind closed doors
I think, you don't get any other people in if there's not much to show.

My plan is to have a working alpha version in 2 weeks. And then I will
widely announce that. If anyone is interested in working on it right now,
do not hesitate to contact me right now. I'll also try to post more on
this list about my current progress.

At the moment, I'm testing a lot of stuff, try this, try that and
hopefully will come up with a solution very soon. If anyone wants to share
his thoughts with me, I'd be very glad about that.

Besides that, the mozile mailinglist is quite active and we get some
mindsharing over there.

To sum up, after I have a working alpha version (alpha means alpha and not
a finished product), we are certainly willing to discuss a move to mozdev
and choosing a new name for it.
Post by Michael Wechner
5) ensure simple integration into all kind of other CMSs
That right on the top of my list. With using Mozile as a backend, even CMS
only using XHTML as there content-format should have in intereset in using

bx-editor-dev mailing list
2003-07-16 12:17:35 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Michael Wechner
5) ensure simple integration into all kind of other CMSs
That right on the top of my list. With using Mozile as a backend, even
CMS only using XHTML as there content-format should have in intereset in
using BXE/Mozile.
Maybe it is not the place for features request, but I really would enjoy
an editor based on XML and CSS. Mozilla isn't limited to HTML. It should
be possible to do something like XXE (XML XmlMind Editor.)
So it would be possible to edit Docbook for example ...
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-07-16 12:39:34 UTC
Post by b***@proval.fr
Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Michael Wechner
5) ensure simple integration into all kind of other CMSs
That right on the top of my list. With using Mozile as a backend, even
CMS only using XHTML as there content-format should have in intereset in
using BXE/Mozile.
Maybe it is not the place for features request, but I really would enjoy
an editor based on XML and CSS. Mozilla isn't limited to HTML. It should
be possible to do something like XXE (XML XmlMind Editor.)
So it would be possible to edit Docbook for example ...
BXE was never meant to be just-another HTML Editor, but an native XML
Editor and we used the XML/CSS approach since ever ;)

and concerning docbook ->


(yeah, i'll post more in this list in the future ... )

bx-editor-dev mailing list