Christian Stocker
2003-02-03 09:02:05 UTC
here's the promised very simple bxe example with some explinations, what
i've done with it.
All the needed files can be download from for the time being (I will put
this howto somewhere more appropriate later, so the above link will also
change). The files can also be looked at online. go to and click through.
Ok, here we go:
First we need an xml file with the data. I took a very simple example
(not really docbook, but if I'd choose docbook, it would have been too
long again..) See . Not much to
say about that ;)
Second, we need an xsl file
( ). This needs some special
stuff. First, at the moment, we need always a <xsl:template match="*">
template, because otherwise not all needed nodes are transformed.
Besides that template, we only have one other template in this example,
which matches the root node and outputs all the needed HTML tags. The
main interest in this template should go into:
<article contentEditable="true">
<xsl:for-each select="article">
This is at the moment the standard way of making a node and all his
subnodes editable (We will have more ways in the future aka BXE-NG).
This means, you write the node-name, you want to edit as above with the
attribute contentEditable="true", then you do for-each over exactly this
node and apply-templates for every subnote. This is it. The XPath query
in xsl:for-each can of course be more complex than it's here, but you
have to take care, that the node name with the contentEditable attribute
matches the nodenames, which are selected in the for-each. (It doesn't
need to be this way, but if you play around with it and see for
yourself, that it will have problems if you for example replace the
select with select="article/*", this will improve in BXE-NG, hopefully )
For the 2 other needed files (Schema and CSS), you have to wait until my
next mail, which should come in a few hours. I have some other stuff to
do for the moment, but I don't want to let you wait anymore for the
example files. Maybe they are of help for some out there ;)
'till later
here's the promised very simple bxe example with some explinations, what
i've done with it.
All the needed files can be download from for the time being (I will put
this howto somewhere more appropriate later, so the above link will also
change). The files can also be looked at online. go to and click through.
Ok, here we go:
First we need an xml file with the data. I took a very simple example
(not really docbook, but if I'd choose docbook, it would have been too
long again..) See . Not much to
say about that ;)
Second, we need an xsl file
( ). This needs some special
stuff. First, at the moment, we need always a <xsl:template match="*">
template, because otherwise not all needed nodes are transformed.
Besides that template, we only have one other template in this example,
which matches the root node and outputs all the needed HTML tags. The
main interest in this template should go into:
<article contentEditable="true">
<xsl:for-each select="article">
This is at the moment the standard way of making a node and all his
subnodes editable (We will have more ways in the future aka BXE-NG).
This means, you write the node-name, you want to edit as above with the
attribute contentEditable="true", then you do for-each over exactly this
node and apply-templates for every subnote. This is it. The XPath query
in xsl:for-each can of course be more complex than it's here, but you
have to take care, that the node name with the contentEditable attribute
matches the nodenames, which are selected in the for-each. (It doesn't
need to be this way, but if you play around with it and see for
yourself, that it will have problems if you for example replace the
select with select="article/*", this will improve in BXE-NG, hopefully )
For the 2 other needed files (Schema and CSS), you have to wait until my
next mail, which should come in a few hours. I have some other stuff to
do for the moment, but I don't want to let you wait anymore for the
example files. Maybe they are of help for some out there ;)
'till later
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