News on possibility of MSIE support
Christian Stocker
2002-10-14 10:14:05 UTC

Just to lower the doubts if BXE will ever support a MSIE version:

I had some ideas this weekend, how to get it working within MSIE and
made some tests this morning. The results were very promising and I
still think, BXE can be ported to MSIE(Win..) without having to change
our main idea of the workflow. With an appropriate wrapper, we should be
able to simulate XML-within-HTML quite well enough...

I hope, this will keep your faith with us that BXE will support MSIE
some time in the future. I can't say, when that will be, as I'm now
going back to improve the Mozilla support :)

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Lon Boonen
2002-10-14 11:02:48 UTC
Let me guess.

My guess would be you apply an extra XSLT to the stuff you want to send
to the browser...

This XSLT would have to do the following:
change <xmlnode>...</xmlnode>
into <div class="xmlnode">...</div>

You would then need to translate all CSS also:
from: xmlnode { ...}
into: .xmlnode {... }
and probably add a little 'display:inline;' kind of stuff here and

It might work. But would be another translation you would have to undo
before sending back to the xml. But then... again... it might work.

Am I close with this guess?

groetjes Lon

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-----Original Message-----
Christian Stocker
Sent: maandag 14 oktober 2002 12:14
To: BXE Developer List
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] News on possibility of MSIE support
I had some ideas this weekend, how to get it working within MSIE and
made some tests this morning. The results were very promising and I
still think, BXE can be ported to MSIE(Win..) without having to change
our main idea of the workflow. With an appropriate wrapper,
we should be
able to simulate XML-within-HTML quite well enough...
I hope, this will keep your faith with us that BXE will support MSIE
some time in the future. I can't say, when that will be, as I'm now
going back to improve the Mozilla support :)
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-14 10:50:25 UTC
Post by Lon Boonen
My guess would be you apply an extra XSLT to the stuff you want to send
to the browser...
change <xmlnode>...</xmlnode>
into <div class="xmlnode">...</div>
from: xmlnode { ...}
into: .xmlnode {... }
and probably add a little 'display:inline;' kind of stuff here and
quite close :) i didn't use xslt, but regular dom stuff, but it could be
done with xslt as well. and instead of div i use span, 'cause this gets
closer to what mozilla does with unknown xml-nodes.
Post by Lon Boonen
It might work. But would be another translation you would have to undo
before sending back to the xml. But then... again... it might work.
i can live with the additional translation :) it doesnt happen that often
(at startup and save), therefore the overhead isn't that grave.

I tested it on my "powerpoint-replacement" (by the way this was just a
half day work in shattuck, without the great intention to make it a
product or something similar :) ) and if i have finished it up, i will
publish it on bitflux.ch/slideml for your inspection.

so long

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-14 11:00:45 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
done with xslt as well. and instead of div i use span, 'cause
this gets
closer to what mozilla does with unknown xml-nodes.
I wouldn't use span if I were you.
IE has a habit of crashing if you place block-elements inside of
span-elements. So, pressing enter (resulting in a <P>) could potentially
crash it.
Use CSS to turn divs into spans instead. It does not crash if you insert
a P inside a DIV, even if that div is display:inline.
aaah, thanks for the hint, i'll change that then :)


christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | sch=F6neggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Fischer
2002-10-14 11:54:38 UTC
I wouldn't use span if I were you.
IE has a habit of crashing if you place block-elements inside of
span-elements. So, pressing enter (resulting in a <P>)
could potentially
crash it.
which is more or less what you could expect if you see the html specs.

btw (to also say once something technical;):
we had once some problems with tables in <p>'s too.
tables in para is valid DocBook, but not very valid html.
this will change in xhtml 2, which is what i am longing for;)


roger fischer | bitflux GmbH | schöneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zürich
tel +41 1 240 56 72 | mobil +41 78 607 75 06 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch

OSCOM - Open Source Content Management
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Lon Boonen
2002-10-14 12:15:33 UTC
Post by Roger Fischer
tables in para is valid DocBook, but not very valid html.
this will change in xhtml 2, which is what i am longing for;)
XHTML 2.0 can be yours...

Sjoerd Visscher, our most valued collegue, has made the first XHTML 2.0
implementation for browsers.
It's an XSLT that translates XHTML 2.0 pages to XHTML 1.0.
It works in your browser... IE or Mozilla.

Check it out: http://w3future.com/weblog/gems/xhtml2b.xml

Read the small article about XHTML 2.0 at the bottom of that page.
Also view the code of that page to make sure it's XHTML 2.0.

groetjes Lon
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Fischer
2002-10-14 12:25:24 UTC
Thanks Lon
This is cool stuff.
My regards to Sjoerd Visscher. Anyway we use a Docbook subset in our CMS and
transform that stuff to ... whatever;)
What I am longing for is native XHTML 2.0 support in the main browsers.
But the link was well worth it:)
Post by Lon Boonen
Post by Roger Fischer
tables in para is valid DocBook, but not very valid html.
this will change in xhtml 2, which is what i am longing for;)
XHTML 2.0 can be yours...
Sjoerd Visscher, our most valued collegue, has made the first
implementation for browsers.
It's an XSLT that translates XHTML 2.0 pages to XHTML 1.0.
It works in your browser... IE or Mozilla.
Check it out: http://w3future.com/weblog/gems/xhtml2b.xml
Read the small article about XHTML 2.0 at the bottom of that page.
Also view the code of that page to make sure it's XHTML 2.0.
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