Delete accross elements
Sandro Zic
2002-10-18 15:53:59 UTC

seems like BXE does not support deletion accross elements.

A sample XML file:

<title>example title </title>
<para>example para</para>

If I put my cursor at the beginning of the title and want to delete the title
as well as the paragraph, the cursor will stop at the beginning of the
paragraph. The same behaviour occurs the other way round when using backspace
to delete content accross elements.

Has this already been mentioned? I don't remember.

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-19 09:11:54 UTC
Post by Sandro Zic
seems like BXE does not support deletion accross elements.
<title>example title </title>
<para>example para</para>
If I put my cursor at the beginning of the title and want to delete the title
as well as the paragraph, the cursor will stop at the beginning of the
paragraph. The same behaviour occurs the other way round when using backspace
to delete content accross elements.
Has this already been mentioned? I don't remember.
backspace does work somehow. The problem is, if there is whitespace
between the elements, then you have to hit backspace several times.
delete doesn't work across elements, that's right (just checked it)

I'll make a bugreport and try to fix it later

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-21 08:08:53 UTC
The problem with Backspace and Delete should be somehow fixed now. I'm
not sure, if it works in every case, but in a lot more than before
certainly.... This basic editing stuff drives me sometimes crazy and i'm
really glad, when Mozilla comes up with a decent contentEditable feature

test it at http://cvsdemo.bitfluxeditor.org

Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Sandro Zic
seems like BXE does not support deletion accross elements.
<title>example title </title>
<para>example para</para>
If I put my cursor at the beginning of the title and want to delete the title
as well as the paragraph, the cursor will stop at the beginning of the
paragraph. The same behaviour occurs the other way round when using backspace
to delete content accross elements.
Has this already been mentioned? I don't remember.
backspace does work somehow. The problem is, if there is whitespace
between the elements, then you have to hit backspace several times.
delete doesn't work across elements, that's right (just checked it)
I'll make a bugreport and try to fix it later
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Sandro Zic
2002-10-21 08:19:42 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
The problem with Backspace and Delete should be somehow fixed now.
Delete works fine (thanks!), but backspace behaves weired:

Place the cursor behind a headline at cvsdemo.bitfluxeditor.org, e.g.

"Wie in einem Käfig"|

Now use backspace and see what happens... Yes, the cursor jumps to the
paragraph below once it reached the whitespace in front of "Käfig".

You're right, contentEditable would be really nice :)

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-21 08:20:35 UTC
Post by Sandro Zic
Post by Christian Stocker
The problem with Backspace and Delete should be somehow fixed now.
Place the cursor behind a headline at cvsdemo.bitfluxeditor.org, e.g.
"Wie in einem K=E4fig"|
Now use backspace and see what happens... Yes, the cursor jumps to the
paragraph below once it reached the whitespace in front of "K=E4fig".
acknowledged :)

I'll check it soon
Post by Sandro Zic
You're right, contentEditable would be really nice :)
acknowledged :)


christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | sch=F6neggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2002-10-21 10:20:38 UTC

This problem should be fixed now. There are still some issues with
whitespace handling, but i don't think, they are that annoying (press a
few times delete in the titel "Willi und Käti Bucher", if you're at
the end you have to press delete one time too much to get to the next
line... but it's quite hard to decide which whitespaces are important
and which not, maybe one could decide according to, if it's a
block-element or an inline-element)

Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Sandro Zic
Post by Christian Stocker
The problem with Backspace and Delete should be somehow fixed now.
Place the cursor behind a headline at cvsdemo.bitfluxeditor.org, e.g.
"Wie in einem Käfig"|
Now use backspace and see what happens... Yes, the cursor jumps to the
paragraph below once it reached the whitespace in front of "Käfig".
acknowledged :)
I'll check it soon
Post by Sandro Zic
You're right, contentEditable would be really nice :)
acknowledged :)
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schöneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
bx-editor-dev mailing list
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