new transport for bxe/mozile
Ludovic Gasc
2005-07-21 10:56:47 UTC

I'm creating a new transport for bit flux editor that I've called "form".

The idea :
I've a web page with a form and field hidden that contains the xml code.
When I click on a link, a javascript function is launched and a popup window
appears that contains bit flux editor.
My transport reads the hidden field on parent page with xml code.
When I save the xml file, the hidden field is updated.

But my transport don't work, bit flux editor stopped on load at : "Load
XML ..."

I've attached javascript file.

Do you have any idea to resolve this ?

Thanks very much.
GASC Ludovic - Stagiaire chez Hospimedia
travaille sur Kubuntu 5.04 - KDE 3.4
Christian Stocker
2005-07-22 14:07:32 UTC
Post by Ludovic Gasc
I'm creating a new transport for bit flux editor that I've called "form".
I've a web page with a form and field hidden that contains the xml code.
When I click on a link, a javascript function is launched and a popup window
appears that contains bit flux editor.
My transport reads the hidden field on parent page with xml code.
When I save the xml file, the hidden field is updated.
You can't just return the string with the XML. You have to call

And reqObj is a simple Object with some information. Look at
mozile/td/http.js and the load method there

Post by Ludovic Gasc
But my transport don't work, bit flux editor stopped on load at : "Load
XML ..."
I've attached javascript file.
Do you have any idea to resolve this ?
Thanks very much.
/* you can extend the webdav driver here */
function mozileTransportDriver_form() {
mozileTransportDriver_form.prototype= new mozileTransportDriver_http();
mozileTransportDriver_form.prototype.load = function(filename, td, async) {
return window.opener.document.mettre_en_ligne.corps.value;
mozileTransportDriver_form.prototype.save = function(filename, content, td)
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