I'm still alive...
Christian Stocker
2002-12-02 11:07:19 UTC
Hi guys

sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)

Thanks for your patience.

christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Zitan Broth
2002-12-04 18:15:05 UTC
Well I for one am very glad you are still alive :-)

What I want to do is catch up early next year and work on a development plan
with you guys and maybe even a specification :-) Priorities would include
getting the design clear for the editor and the architecture and cementing
the requirements. We could even do this with a questions and answers
approach. The first question I would ask is: what are the requirements for
the BXE?

Once we've got the requirements agreed upon we could hammer out things like
easy support of any XML schema. Btw just out of interest, can I ask why in
your defined XML Schema, you define XML elements that already have XHTML
equivalents? Eg <bold> rather than <b> and <itemizedlist>, <listitem>
rather than <ul>, <li>. Isn't this all unnecessary translation that is
required (eg XML -> XHTML and back). Or is this something to do with the
way MOZ redenders XML or XHTML? Just wondering :-)

Awesome, Z.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Stocker" <***@bitflux.ch>
To: "BXE Developer List" <bx-editor-***@lists.bitflux.ch>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] I'm still alive...
Post by Christian Stocker
Hi guys
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Fischer
2002-12-03 21:27:28 UTC
Hi Zitan

Just answer the second paragraph for now.
Post by Zitan Broth
Once we've got the requirements agreed upon we could hammer out things like
easy support of any XML schema. Btw just out of interest, can I ask why in
your defined XML Schema, you define XML elements that already have XHTML
equivalents? Eg <bold> rather than <b> and <itemizedlist>, <listitem>
rather than <ul>, <li>. Isn't this all unnecessary translation that is
required (eg XML -> XHTML and back). Or is this something to do with the
way MOZ redenders XML or XHTML? Just wondering :-)
This has nothing to do with Moz. As we are using docbook
(http://www.docbook.org), or let's say a subset of docbook (and additional
custom tags - if we need them and they don't exist in Docbook), we use
things like <itemizedlist> etc. Btw: <bold> is a custom tag, 'cauz Docbook
uses <emphasis role="bold">.

Naturally the BXE isn't tied to these elements - it is open to whatever
XML/XHTML tags you need.

And as Christian wrote, we want to make as quickly as possible a XHTML BXE
Version as well, so that people who only know (HTML) XHTML can use the BXE
to publish their XHTML documents. But again - you have already the power to
use whatever tags you want to use:) - be it XHTML or whatever XML tag you

I am not sure, if I made myself clear. Please ask again, if you need further
Post by Zitan Broth
Awesome, Z.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] I'm still alive...
Post by Christian Stocker
Hi guys
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Zitan Broth
2002-12-05 18:06:18 UTC
Hi Roger,

Thanks for your response.

----- Original Message -----
Post by Roger Fischer
This has nothing to do with Moz. As we are using docbook
(http://www.docbook.org), or let's say a subset of docbook (and additional
custom tags - if we need them and they don't exist in Docbook), we use
things like <itemizedlist> etc. Btw: <bold> is a custom tag, 'cauz Docbook
uses <emphasis role="bold">.
Okay that makes things clear. I did know that you wanted to extend BXE to
allow other schemas which is obviously where I am coming from. I'll raise
this with the DocBook Schema people ;)

Anyway I am still interesting in working on a specification with you guys if
you like, starting with requirements ;) Just start with some requirements
off the top of your head, then Christian can add to them etc... it will be
fun :-) I'm just finishing up a monster specification that covers our
internal modules for content management, and builds upon them a full
Learning Management System :-) Would welcome the opportunity to be involved
in this with you guys ;)


Post by Roger Fischer
Naturally the BXE isn't tied to these elements - it is open to whatever
XML/XHTML tags you need.
And as Christian wrote, we want to make as quickly as possible a XHTML BXE
Version as well, so that people who only know (HTML) XHTML can use the BXE
to publish their XHTML documents. But again - you have already the power to
use whatever tags you want to use:) - be it XHTML or whatever XML tag you
I am not sure, if I made myself clear. Please ask again, if you need further
Post by Zitan Broth
Awesome, Z.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] I'm still alive...
Post by Christian Stocker
Hi guys
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Fischer
2002-12-04 22:01:09 UTC
Hi Zitan
Post by Zitan Broth
----- Original Message -----
Post by Roger Fischer
This has nothing to do with Moz. As we are using docbook
(http://www.docbook.org), or let's say a subset of docbook (and
Post by Roger Fischer
custom tags - if we need them and they don't exist in Docbook), we use
things like <itemizedlist> etc. Btw: <bold> is a custom tag,
'cauz Docbook
Post by Roger Fischer
uses <emphasis role="bold">.
Okay that makes things clear. I did know that you wanted to extend BXE to
allow other schemas which is obviously where I am coming from. I'll raise
this with the DocBook Schema people ;)
Post by Zitan Broth
Anyway I am still interesting in working on a specification with you guys if
you like, starting with requirements ;) Just start with some requirements
off the top of your head, then Christian can add to them etc... it will be
fun :-)
Yes, I think that will stimulate us certainly.
Most basic requirements are IMHO:
- easy to use like "Word"
- leverage the power of XML (structured content)
As you can see these basic two requirement are almost an oxymoron;) - I must
say I like oxymoron's a lot. Makes me think about Baudelaire;)

Other important requirements are:
- user-friendly
- usable on all platforms (Mac, Win, Linux,...)
- be extendable to any custom XML Schema
- usable with the two major browsers (Mozilla and IE)
- usable on any CMS who wants to use it

I'm just finishing up a monster specification that covers our
Post by Zitan Broth
internal modules for content management, and builds upon them a full
Learning Management System :-) Would welcome the opportunity to be involved
in this with you guys ;)
Sure, sounds cool;)
Post by Zitan Broth
Post by Roger Fischer
Naturally the BXE isn't tied to these elements - it is open to whatever
XML/XHTML tags you need.
And as Christian wrote, we want to make as quickly as possible a
Post by Roger Fischer
Version as well, so that people who only know (HTML) XHTML can
use the BXE
Post by Roger Fischer
to publish their XHTML documents. But again - you have already the power
Post by Roger Fischer
use whatever tags you want to use:) - be it XHTML or whatever XML tag you
I am not sure, if I made myself clear. Please ask again, if you need
Post by Roger Fischer
Post by Zitan Broth
Awesome, Z.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] I'm still alive...
Post by Christian Stocker
Hi guys
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
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