Christian Stocker
2002-12-02 11:07:19 UTC
Hi guys
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
sorry for not replying to much of the discussion on this list.. I'm
quite busy right now, but this should improve next week, and then I'll
come back to the Editor and answer all those questions. And most
importantly, I'll try to work on the Editor again and improve a lot of
stuff :)
Thanks for your patience.
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list