Mailing List at bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org
Michael Wechner
2003-07-22 14:25:15 UTC

I tried to subscribe to the mailing list at http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org

but realised that it doesn't exist:


or am I using the wrong link?


Michael Wechner
Wyona Ltd. - Open Source Content Management - Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/
***@wyona.com ***@apache.org
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Fischer
2003-07-22 14:37:51 UTC
Hi Michael

At the moment you can post anything you want to the above mailing lists.

As you can see, we didn't yet put up content on Mozdev.
This can be explained simply:

- We invested quite some time and money in our http://bitfluxeditor.org
This was before, we were gladly invited to be a Mozdev project.
- We didn't have time to copy some of the content to the Mozdev Subsite yet.

Please do use http://www.bitfluxeditor.org Site for the near future.
We will certainly send a mail to this list, the moment we have updated the
Mozdev Site.

Thank you for your interest and investigation

Best regards
Post by Michael Wechner
I tried to subscribe to the mailing list at
or am I using the wrong link?
Michael Wechner
Wyona Ltd. - Open Source Content Management - Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/
bx-editor-dev mailing list
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Brian King
2003-07-25 08:04:37 UTC
Post by Michael Wechner
I tried to subscribe to the mailing list at http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org
or am I using the wrong link?
The technical reason for this (to accompany Roger's explanation about
inactivity on the mozdev project) is that all mailing lists were shut
down when mozdev.org experienced a cracker attack a couple of weeks ago.

Most of the services are back up and running (bigger and better server,
OS upgrade, more robust scripts ...), and for the mailing list to be
created again the project owner has to send a specific request. I will
email Roger and Christian about this separately.

- Brian
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Michael Wechner
2003-07-25 10:18:10 UTC
Post by Brian King
Post by Michael Wechner
I tried to subscribe to the mailing list at
or am I using the wrong link?
The technical reason for this (to accompany Roger's explanation about
inactivity on the mozdev project) is that all mailing lists were shut
down when mozdev.org experienced a cracker attack a couple of weeks ago.
Most of the services are back up and running (bigger and better server,
OS upgrade, more robust scripts ...), and for the mailing list to be
created again the project owner has to send a specific request. I will
email Roger and Christian about this separately.
I didn't know that, although Christian told me something about
infrastructure problems at mozdev.

Well, I think it would be nice to have the mailing lists running again
at mozdev.


Post by Brian King
- Brian
Michael Wechner
Wyona Ltd. - Open Source Content Management - Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/
***@wyona.com ***@apache.org
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-07-25 10:19:08 UTC
Post by Michael Wechner
Post by Brian King
Post by Michael Wechner
I tried to subscribe to the mailing list at
or am I using the wrong link?
The technical reason for this (to accompany Roger's explanation about
inactivity on the mozdev project) is that all mailing lists were shut
down when mozdev.org experienced a cracker attack a couple of weeks ago.
Most of the services are back up and running (bigger and better server,
OS upgrade, more robust scripts ...), and for the mailing list to be
created again the project owner has to send a specific request. I will
email Roger and Christian about this separately.
I didn't know that, although Christian told me something about
infrastructure problems at mozdev.
Well, I think it would be nice to have the mailing lists running again
at mozdev.
I updated the mozdev page of bitflux editor, so that it at least shows
something (http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org/)

Mailinglists are still running on our server (the mailinglist link points
to them) and it doesn't make much sense at the moment to open
just-another-mailinglist ;) IMHO.

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Michael Wechner
2003-07-25 10:37:31 UTC
Christian Stocker wrote:

<snip />
Post by Christian Stocker
Post by Michael Wechner
Well, I think it would be nice to have the mailing lists running again
at mozdev.
I updated the mozdev page of bitflux editor, so that it at least shows
something (http://bitfluxeditor.mozdev.org/)
Mailinglists are still running on our server (the mailinglist link points
to them) and it doesn't make much sense at the moment to open
just-another-mailinglist ;) IMHO.
Agreed it doesn't make sense to have mailing lists at two places, but
I would like to suggest to close this mailing list and reopen the other
one (for all the reasons I stated in previous emails).

This might be a bit too political, but I will unsubscribe now from this
mailing lists. On the other hand I am happy to hear again from this
project when it will have moved to mozdev.


Post by Christian Stocker
Michael Wechner
Wyona Ltd. - Open Source Content Management - Apache Lenya
http://www.wyona.com http://cocoon.apache.org/lenya/
***@wyona.com ***@apache.org
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Mike Slattery
2003-09-18 17:20:36 UTC
Hello Bitfluxers,

Please tell me, are there any release dates for NG pending? I tried
the exciting demo and there is momentum building with the bricolage CMS
crowd to create alternate inferfaces using it!

Thanks for your efforts,
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-09-18 17:31:21 UTC
Hi Mike

we're still developing it and it's in alpha stage. But we hope to get
into beta very soon (this month..)

You can see the Alpha at http://trash.chregu.tv/bxeng/

But please be aware: It has still a lot of bugs/non-working
functionality. But you can at least see, how it will look and what
features to expect.

Here's a short list, what's new/changed:

* Based on Mozile/eDOM (http://mozile.mozdev.org)
* On-The-Fly Relax-NG Validation (not on the fly right now..)
* Extensible and exchangable widget system
* To a great extent event based -> easy adding of own event handlers
* Full support for XML Namespaces
* Native XHTML support
* No need for CSS styles, if in XHTML namespace
* "XSLT-less" mode. No need to write XSLTs, if you don't need it.
* Copy&Paste into and out of Mozilla
* Tag and Source-Edit Mode directly in the context
* Cleaned up GUI
* WebDAV support
* Delete over paragraphs
* Nicer attribute edit dialog (will be even nicer later)

I will certainly post a message here, when we think, it's beta ready.

Post by Mike Slattery
Hello Bitfluxers,
Please tell me, are there any release dates for NG pending? I tried the
exciting demo and there is momentum building with the bricolage CMS
crowd to create alternate inferfaces using it!
Thanks for your efforts,
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-09-18 17:35:47 UTC

forgot to say

If anyone is adventurous enough to try it out locally, you can check it
out with cvs

cvs -d :pserver:***@cvs.bitflux.ch:/var/lib/cvs/editor co bxeng

and open the index.html in the top level directoy. It also works without
a web-browser.

Bugfixes, suggestions, enhancements, etc are of course always welcome ;)

And keep that checkout updated, we're working daily on it.

Post by Christian Stocker
Hi Mike
we're still developing it and it's in alpha stage. But we hope to get
into beta very soon (this month..)
You can see the Alpha at http://trash.chregu.tv/bxeng/
But please be aware: It has still a lot of bugs/non-working
functionality. But you can at least see, how it will look and what
features to expect.
* Based on Mozile/eDOM (http://mozile.mozdev.org)
* On-The-Fly Relax-NG Validation (not on the fly right now..)
* Extensible and exchangable widget system
* To a great extent event based -> easy adding of own event handlers
* Full support for XML Namespaces
* Native XHTML support
* No need for CSS styles, if in XHTML namespace
* "XSLT-less" mode. No need to write XSLTs, if you don't need it.
* Copy&Paste into and out of Mozilla
* Tag and Source-Edit Mode directly in the context
* Cleaned up GUI
* WebDAV support
* Delete over paragraphs
* Nicer attribute edit dialog (will be even nicer later)
I will certainly post a message here, when we think, it's beta ready.
Post by Mike Slattery
Hello Bitfluxers,
Please tell me, are there any release dates for NG pending? I tried
the exciting demo and there is momentum building with the bricolage
CMS crowd to create alternate inferfaces using it!
Thanks for your efforts,
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-09-18 17:40:46 UTC
Post by Christian Stocker
and open the index.html in the top level directoy. It also works without
a web-browser.
damn. web-server... it doesn't work without a web-browser (and it has to
be a recent (1.4 preferred) Mozilla or Firebird), of course ;)

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Mike Slattery
2003-09-18 17:58:37 UTC

Thanks a lot, I'm going to check it out.

Post by Christian Stocker
damn. web-server... it doesn't work without a web-browser (and it has
to be a recent (1.4 preferred) Mozilla or Firebird), of course ;)
bx-editor-dev mailing list