Christian Stocker
2002-12-10 17:10:19 UTC
We will have our first irc chat tomorrow at 10am CET (9am GMT/UTC IIRC).
We are on #bitflux at
Would be nice to meet some of you and to discuss some stuff about the
future directions.
We plan to do this chat every other week, if there is interest :) But
actually i'm almost allways there during daytime (CET again), so you can
drop in, whenever you feel like
We will have our first irc chat tomorrow at 10am CET (9am GMT/UTC IIRC).
We are on #bitflux at
Would be nice to meet some of you and to discuss some stuff about the
future directions.
We plan to do this chat every other week, if there is interest :) But
actually i'm almost allways there during daytime (CET again), so you can
drop in, whenever you feel like