Problems with the html editor
Javier Pérez
2003-04-01 11:24:58 UTC
Dear programmers,

I need your help to solve a problem: I would like to make an html editor in
NetScape, and I have seen that you have done it in your project, but I
cannot find the way (after reading your complete code) to provide this
characteristic to my site. I am only interested in this characteristic
because I am doing a project and I need the web to be editable by the users.
Thank you very much for your help and excuse my interference.

Yours Faithfully

Javier Pérez
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-04-01 11:36:36 UTC
Post by Javier Pérez
Dear programmers,
I need your help to solve a problem: I would like to make an html editor in
NetScape, and I have seen that you have done it in your project, but I
cannot find the way (after reading your complete code) to provide this
characteristic to my site. I am only interested in this characteristic
because I am doing a project and I need the web to be editable by the users.
Thank you very much for your help and excuse my interference.
Just a quick question:
Netscape 7 or Netscape 4.x?

Because with Netscape 4.x, you have no chance to do something like that

Post by Javier Pérez
Yours Faithfully
Javier Pérez
bx-editor-dev mailing list
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Javier Pérez
2003-04-01 11:46:48 UTC
Thank you Christian

I use NetScape 7 and your code works perfectly, but my question is how can I
transfer this function to my site, which is the code line that makes me
possible the possibility of editing, I mean that my user could write in the
site directly.

Thank you again


-------Mensaje original-------

De: Christian Stocker
Fecha: martes, 01 de abril de 2003 10:37:17
A: Javier Pérez
CC: BXE Developer List
Asunto: Re: [bx-editor-dev] Problems with the html editor
Post by Javier Pérez
Dear programmers,
I need your help to solve a problem: I would like to make an html editor in
NetScape, and I have seen that you have done it in your project, but I
cannot find the way (after reading your complete code) to provide this
characteristic to my site. I am only interested in this characteristic
because I am doing a project and I need the web to be editable by the users.
Thank you very much for your help and excuse my interference.
Just a quick question:
Netscape 7 or Netscape 4.x?

Because with Netscape 4.x, you have no chance to do something like that

Post by Javier Pérez
Yours Faithfully
Javier Pérez
bx-editor-dev mailing list
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-04-01 12:03:03 UTC
Post by Javier Pérez
Thank you Christian
I use NetScape 7 and your code works perfectly, but my question is how can I
transfer this function to my site, which is the code line that makes me
possible the possibility of editing, I mean that my user could write in the
site directly.
there is not one codeline, but several hundreds... There is no prebuilt
posibility in Netscape to just allow editing.

But for a much more simpler example of BXE, than the one provided with
the demo. Read
and the 2 links there. Maybe that helps

bx-editor-dev mailing list