I did some quick tests with MathML. And it would be technically
possible, but the Mozilla MathML Parser is quite picky... If I delete
for example a number in a tag, i immediatly get "invalid markup" error
and can't edit that node anymore (except in source mode).
Furthermore, it's not that easy to edit MathML with BXE, since it has
quite a complex and deep XML Structure and you don't have currently any
shortcuts in BXE for easy MathML editing.
Nevertheless I put my testings online at
(it's in Subversion as well, if you want to hack on that)
The relaxng schema was generated with Trang from the example i took
Post by Steven ChanI think docbook has some MathML for RelaxNG. I think it is a docbook module.
I've been looking at many different Online WYSIWY editors and I'm trying
to find out the difference between them and BitFlux. I am just curious,
but does BitFlux use the Rich-Text Editing features of Mozilla?
Post by Steven ChanOr does
it use something else totally different? I figure that since you need
caret browsing, it is probably uses a different architecture than most
WYSIWYG editors.
yes, we use mozile as underlying library, which directly communicates
with the DOM of Mozilla. Therefore every keystroke and every action is
handled by Mozile resp. BXE itself.
Have fun and if you have any further questions, just ask
Post by Steven ChanAnyway, lets say there was a RelaxNG schema for MathML. Would it be very
hard to modify BitFlux to incorporate that? I'm just a PHP programmer
myself and know only enough javascript to get confirm dialog boxes to
Please forgive me if I appear very ignorant.
Post by Christian StockerPost by s***@writtenauthority.comHi,
I'm am wondering whether it could be possible to do WYSIWYG editing of
MathML with BitFlux or any other WYSIWYG browser based editor.
AFAIK, Mozilla does understand MathML, right? So therefore it would be
theoretically possible, although never tried it.
One problem would be, that BXE would try to translate MathML Elements
to some HTML and this should be prevented in this case (as we do with
Elements in the XHTML Namespace itself).
Is there any MathML Relax NG somewhere? Then we could try to do that
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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