editing slideml with bxe
Matthias Dieke
2005-08-06 15:56:42 UTC

I like to edit my slideml-files with the bxe or bxe 2.0. I found the
following example: http://php5.chregu.tv/slidemleditor/

In this example is a "edit"-link in the top of the page for every slide.
So every slide will be edited in a new instance of BXE.
Is it possible to switch from one slide to another slide inside of the
BXE (editing more then one slide in the current instance of BXE)?

Could this be done with the new BXE 2.0?

Is it possible to make some new buttons in BXE "create new slide" and
"delete slide" for creating and editing slides? Like the
"ul-list"-button. When clicking on it a new ul-li list will created. I
like to do it in a similar way for a new slide.

Thanks for help.

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2005-08-14 10:38:25 UTC
Post by Matthias Dieke
I like to edit my slideml-files with the bxe or bxe 2.0. I found the
following example: http://php5.chregu.tv/slidemleditor/
In this example is a "edit"-link in the top of the page for every slide.
So every slide will be edited in a new instance of BXE.
Is it possible to switch from one slide to another slide inside of the
BXE (editing more then one slide in the current instance of BXE)?
Could this be done with the new BXE 2.0?
Yes it could, but you'd be on your own to do that in pure javascript.
Just make a button, assign a function to it (via config.xml) and then do
your Javascript stuff which inserts a new slide or deletes one.

Post by Matthias Dieke
Is it possible to make some new buttons in BXE "create new slide" and
"delete slide" for creating and editing slides? Like the
"ul-list"-button. When clicking on it a new ul-li list will created. I
like to do it in a similar way for a new slide.
Thanks for help.
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
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