Features / Posibilites in bxeng
Michael Rolli
2003-11-24 13:01:16 UTC

I'm just playing around with bxeng and wondered if it (will be|is)
possible to use wysiwyg editing with other CMS-Elements than Articles.
I.E. I have created a Staff-Object consisting of some fields like
givenname, surname, birthyear and so on. This gives me an xml-output

which I then can layout with my xsl-sheet giving me the possibility to
place each element anywhere in the layout.

Is it possible to edit such an object in the wysiwyg editor (using the
same xsl-sheet)?
Is the only work to do just placing things like "<div
bxe_xpath="//Staff/givenname"></div>" around the occurences of the
elements to the xsl-sheet or do I have to do much more work (editing the
relaxng stuff, ..)?
A primer would be helpful to know all the places I have to change

Is this recode bug still an issue. I have 3.6 installed and then saw the
bug report about segfaults. Scaring me... on a production server... ;-)

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-11-24 13:23:21 UTC
Post by Michael Rolli
I'm just playing around with bxeng and wondered if it (will be|is)
possible to use wysiwyg editing with other CMS-Elements than Articles.
I.E. I have created a Staff-Object consisting of some fields like
givenname, surname, birthyear and so on. This gives me an xml-output
which I then can layout with my xsl-sheet giving me the possibility to
place each element anywhere in the layout.
Is it possible to edit such an object in the wysiwyg editor (using the
same xsl-sheet)?
Is the only work to do just placing things like "<div
bxe_xpath="//Staff/givenname"></div>" around the occurences of the
elements to the xsl-sheet or do I have to do much more work (editing the
relaxng stuff, ..)?
yep. relaxng and the bxe_xpath stuff and maybe css are the things which
need to be changed. I don't know right now, how it behaves with empty
elements. Have to check it, but it should work theoretically

the relaxng can be created by the with trang (google for it). A Java
based Schema generator. You can feed it with your XML File and it will
create a RNG file for you. If you need help about that part just ask.
Post by Michael Rolli
A primer would be helpful to know all the places I have to change
See above. Documentation wouldn't be bad, either. I know ;)
Post by Michael Rolli
Is this recode bug still an issue. I have 3.6 installed and then saw the
bug report about segfaults. Scaring me... on a production server... ;-)
mmh. not sure about it right now

BTW, I will release a 0.2Beta of BXE very soon. I made a lot of progress
and bug fixes in the last 2 weeks ;)

Post by Michael Rolli
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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