Questions about Simple Example
Bill Humphries
2003-02-07 02:36:46 UTC
Thanks for posting this. Now that I've had a chance to look at it, I
have some questions.

1) When transform.xsl is applied to data.xml, we get:

<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<title>BXE simple demo</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<article contentEditable="true"><title>This is the title</title>
this is the main part with an
<emphasize>emphasized part</emphasize>
this is the main part with an

Does that mean that the only thing the transform does is copy XML
fragments into elements for which content editable is true? And any
HTML generated by the transform is assumed to be non-editable?

2) The selectors in the CSS from the example are based on the example
document's schema. So I can assume that means any editable XML cannot
be transformed to HTML, but must use CSS for layout?

3) When I open the simple example in Bitflux, I see:

BXE Simple Demo

This is the title this is the main part with an _emphasized part_ this
is the main part with an

The paragraphs are not displayed as blocks.

And as I click on the editable elements, the XPath status bar displays:

Article /
Article / Emphasize /

but not Article / Title /, Article / Paragraph /, or Article /
Paragraph / Emphasize as I expected.

4) When I select Get XML I see

This is the title this is the main part with an
<emphasize>emphasized part</emphasize>
this is the main part with an
this is the main part with an
<emphasize>emphasized part</emphasize>
<para> this is the main part with an </para>

Instead of

<title>This is the title</title>
<para>this is the main part with an
<emphasize>emphasized part</emphasize>
this is the main part with an

Which I expected.

5) I installed the files for the example in:

\ css / style.css
\ xml / data.xml
| / transform.xsl
| / transformxml-include.xsl (from original bitflux install)
\ schema / schema.xml
/ js2schema.xml (from original bitflux install)

That was placed in my /Users/username/Sites folder and accessed via:


Was that the correct install layout? Do I need to place it where it can
be access via: http://www.example.org/bitfluxeditor/index.html instead?


Bill Humphries
Apple Computer
Web Engineer, HR Systems
bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-02-07 07:43:41 UTC
Post by Bill Humphries
Thanks for posting this. Now that I've had a chance to look at it, I
have some questions.
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<title>BXE simple demo</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<article contentEditable="true"><title>This is the title</title>
this is the main part with an
<emphasize>emphasized part</emphasize>
this is the main part with an
Does that mean that the only thing the transform does is copy XML
fragments into elements for which content editable is true? And any
HTML generated by the transform is assumed to be non-editable?
exactly (it doesn not just copy the nodes, it applies some more magic on
them ;) ). The Idea behind this was, that you shouldn't be able to edit
the "layout" of your page, but only the content. The people, who use BXE
shouldn't change the html stuff, but only work on th content. Of course,
it's possible to have XHTML as input document and editing the whole
layout, but BXE is certainly not meant to be a replacement for any wysiwyg
HTML editor like Dreamweaver et al.

The issue about transforming content to HTML and then editing it, (for
example transforming a "<title>" to a "<h1>") should be adressed in the
next generation BXE (aka BXE-NG).
Post by Bill Humphries
2) The selectors in the CSS from the example are based on the example
document's schema. So I can assume that means any editable XML cannot
be transformed to HTML, but must use CSS for layout?
For the time being, yes.
Post by Bill Humphries
BXE Simple Demo
This is the title this is the main part with an _emphasized part_ this
is the main part with an
The paragraphs are not displayed as blocks.
Article /
Article / Emphasize /
but not Article / Title /, Article / Paragraph /, or Article /
Paragraph / Emphasize as I expected.
ARGH ;) there was an error in xml/transform.xsl. It should read
<article contentEditable="true">
<xsl:for-each select="article">

and not
<xsl:for-each select="article/*">

The files are updated at
and http://trash.chregu.tv/bxe_simple.tgz
Post by Bill Humphries
4) When I select Get XML I see
Same problem as above :)
Post by Bill Humphries
\ css / style.css
\ xml / data.xml
| / transform.xsl
| / transformxml-include.xsl (from original bitflux install)
\ schema / schema.xml
/ js2schema.xml (from original bitflux install)
that is correct (js2schema is not needed and transformlxml-include has no
use, but it's in inc/config.xml, therefore it wouldn't be too bad to leave
it there, or delete in config.xml ;) )
Post by Bill Humphries
Was that the correct install layout? Do I need to place it where it can
be access via: http://www.example.org/bitfluxeditor/index.html instead?
Doesn't matter, you can also load it directly from the file system. The
only important thing is, that the webserver serves xml and xslt files as
text/xml, but It looks like you're over that stage, otherwise it wouldn't
start at all:)

Hope that helps and if you have further questions, just ask

Post by Bill Humphries
Bill Humphries
Apple Computer
Web Engineer, HR Systems
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