BXE Status Update
Christian Stocker
2003-07-30 07:44:32 UTC

As promised last week, I'll post my blogposts also to this list. Here we go.


BXE Status Update

As a little teaser, here's a uncomplete and short list of what will be
new in the next Bitflux Editor release. We will work hard in the next
few days to actually have a preview release next week. Hope you still
can wait until then...

* Based on Mozile/eDOM (http://mozile.mozdev.org)
* On-The-Fly Relax-NG Validation
* Extensible and exchangable widget system
* To a great extent event based - adding of own event handlers
* Full support for XML Namespaces
* Native XHTML support
* No need for CSS styles, if in XHTML namespace
* "XSLT-less" mode. No need to write XSLTs, if you don't need it.
* More XSLT Support
* Copy/Paste into and out of Mozilla
* Tag and Source-Edit Mode directly in the context
* Cleaned up GUI
* WebDAV Support

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Roger Stupf
2003-07-31 13:04:54 UTC
Hi Chregu

that sounds very promising in deed.
Post by Christian Stocker
* Cleaned up GUI
Jann and I had a meeting yesterday with Matthias Jud from Saibo. The
speech came to the GUI subject of BXE. What's the status there? As far
as I know, Saibo volonteered to participate in GUI testing and
improving, and so would I. But maybe that's not necessary any more?

Thanks for your work and Aloha

bx-editor-dev mailing list
Christian Stocker
2003-07-31 13:43:13 UTC
Post by Roger Stupf
Hi Chregu
that sounds very promising in deed.
Post by Christian Stocker
* Cleaned up GUI
Jann and I had a meeting yesterday with Matthias Jud from Saibo. The
speech came to the GUI subject of BXE. What's the status there? As far
as I know, Saibo volonteered to participate in GUI testing and
improving, and so would I. But maybe that's not necessary any more?
hehe. Depends on your Point of View. I just took the old UI and
improved the worst parts. Therefore there is still room for more

But what I did is implementing a widget system, which should it make
much easier to implement a new UI or a new Look&Feel.

bx-editor-dev mailing list