Christian Stocker
2002-11-01 20:52:19 UTC
Maybe this is bug ?
If not, I would ask on the newsgroup first, and if nobody provides a
solution within a couple of days file a bug.
thanks for the quick reply. I'm not sure, if it's the same bug, becauseIf not, I would ask on the newsgroup first, and if nobody provides a
solution within a couple of days file a bug.
this bug does provide the username/password by a dialog. Holger on the
other side, likes having the same username/password as used before the
Editor (provided by the same user, of course) was starting up. I will try
to write a very short example, before sending it to the newsgroup and
check, what's exactly going on.
Hi Heikki
We have a problem with HTTP Authentication and XMLHttpRequest and the
Bitflux Editor. Below is a short description about the problem. The main
idea is, that the user doesn't have to provide username/passwort for
http-authentication access again, because he did that provide just
shortly before for the same domain.
Do you have any idea about that? Shall I file a bug at bugzilla? Or ask
at netscape.public.mozilla.xml?
Thanks in advance
-----Forwarded Message-----
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] sending authorized POST requests
Date: 01 Nov 2002 20:47:08 +0100
In the transport driver 'http.js' i want the save
function to work with authenticated HTTP. I know
that the server sends back a '401 Unauthorized' after"POST",filename,true );
var xmlstring =3D BX_getResultXML();
calc =3D calculateMarkup(xmlstring, true);
this.p.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
this.p.send(xmlstring, true);
Now the browser/javascript is supposed to resent the
request with the correct 'Authorization' header.
Other GET and POST requests (not initiated from javascript)
work fine (before and after the failing one).
The server does sent the 401 Unauthorized completly ok.
If i *manually* set the Authorization header with
this.p.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ...')
all works fine. This is obviously not a proper solution.
1) How could i enforce that 'resending' works?
2) how could i - from javascript - access the Authentication
information? I guess for 'security' reasons i can't :-(
3) what other solution?
thanks for any help (even for pointing me to a site which
likely has this information).
We have a problem with HTTP Authentication and XMLHttpRequest and the
Bitflux Editor. Below is a short description about the problem. The main
idea is, that the user doesn't have to provide username/passwort for
http-authentication access again, because he did that provide just
shortly before for the same domain.
Do you have any idea about that? Shall I file a bug at bugzilla? Or ask
at netscape.public.mozilla.xml?
Thanks in advance
-----Forwarded Message-----
Subject: [bx-editor-dev] sending authorized POST requests
Date: 01 Nov 2002 20:47:08 +0100
In the transport driver 'http.js' i want the save
function to work with authenticated HTTP. I know
that the server sends back a '401 Unauthorized' after"POST",filename,true );
var xmlstring =3D BX_getResultXML();
calc =3D calculateMarkup(xmlstring, true);
this.p.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
this.p.send(xmlstring, true);
Now the browser/javascript is supposed to resent the
request with the correct 'Authorization' header.
Other GET and POST requests (not initiated from javascript)
work fine (before and after the failing one).
The server does sent the 401 Unauthorized completly ok.
If i *manually* set the Authorization header with
this.p.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ...')
all works fine. This is obviously not a proper solution.
1) How could i enforce that 'resending' works?
2) how could i - from javascript - access the Authentication
information? I guess for 'security' reasons i can't :-(
3) what other solution?
thanks for any help (even for pointing me to a site which
likely has this information).
christian stocker | bitflux GmbH | sch=F6neggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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