Christian Stocker
2004-09-14 07:18:53 UTC
I'd like to release BXE 0.9.6 these days (when I find the time for the
announcement). We had a loooot of bug-fixes since 0.9.5 and current HEAD
was intensively tested by the University of Zurich (thanks to them).
There now are only 2 or 3 bugs, I'd like to have fixed until 1.0,
therefore the chances are good, that there won't be any 0.9.7 but a
1.0.0 (hoooray) at the end of september.
As Firefox 1.0 (and maybe mozilla 1.8) should also be released until
then (and therefore a fixed XMLSerializer), this looks like a great
opportunity. Speaking of, I'm currently running the Firefox 1.0
Pre-Preview and it runs very smoothly.
I won't add any new major features into the current branch, but after
1.0, I'll add some little new and useful features, which will lead to
1.1 very soon. I'd like to keep the 1.0 branch stable, meaning only
bugfixes will go into that and these new features go only into HEAD. The
timeframe for the 1.1 release is october/november
I also updated the roadmap at
As you can see, we have a tight schedule until 1.2 with some big
enhancements (real XSLT implementation on the client side for one)
And last but not least, I'll give a speech at OSCOM.4 about BXE
( Maybe I'll see you there
I'd like to release BXE 0.9.6 these days (when I find the time for the
announcement). We had a loooot of bug-fixes since 0.9.5 and current HEAD
was intensively tested by the University of Zurich (thanks to them).
There now are only 2 or 3 bugs, I'd like to have fixed until 1.0,
therefore the chances are good, that there won't be any 0.9.7 but a
1.0.0 (hoooray) at the end of september.
As Firefox 1.0 (and maybe mozilla 1.8) should also be released until
then (and therefore a fixed XMLSerializer), this looks like a great
opportunity. Speaking of, I'm currently running the Firefox 1.0
Pre-Preview and it runs very smoothly.
I won't add any new major features into the current branch, but after
1.0, I'll add some little new and useful features, which will lead to
1.1 very soon. I'd like to keep the 1.0 branch stable, meaning only
bugfixes will go into that and these new features go only into HEAD. The
timeframe for the 1.1 release is october/november
I also updated the roadmap at
As you can see, we have a tight schedule until 1.2 with some big
enhancements (real XSLT implementation on the client side for one)
And last but not least, I'll give a speech at OSCOM.4 about BXE
( Maybe I'll see you there
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list