move to bugzilla
Christian Stocker
2002-10-30 09:10:30 UTC

We switched our Bugtracker to Bugzilla before it's too late :)

Bugzilla is much more powerful than mantis and offers us much more
possibilities. It's at the first sight also more complicated, but don't
be scared by all the options, you don't need most of them most of them
for searching bugs. Reporting new bugs is as easy as it was before :)
With the one big difference, that you can't insert bugs anonymously, but
this was a bad idea anyway (we can't get in touch with the bug reporter,
if we have questions).

I have moved all open old bugs from mantis to bugzilla. The initial
reporters have to put them on the CC list, if they want to be informed
about changes.

Some new features:

- You can vote for bugs/featurerequest. This will allow us to focus on
the most often requested ones

- you can subscribe to bugs and be informed when they change.

- You can save your most used queries

- Dependencies/blocks are working nicely in bugzilla

and more .)

The bugtracker is still available at http://bugs.bitfluxeditor.org/

More to come from me later today :)

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