docbook editing ?
Christian Stocker
2004-05-28 06:20:14 UTC
I just have found your bitflux editor and I have to said that it is very
powerfull. I thought the concept very interesting .
I've tried to configure it to edit a simple docbook article. I use some of the
examples you put in the examples directory (for example the inline one).
Good ;)
I have found the correspondong relax ng schema to the docbook 4.2
(http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/relaxng/1.0b1/) and I have copied them to the
directory where is the config.xml file.
I created a link relaxng.xml to docbook.rng. The relaxng.xml was already
declared in the config.xml.
I changed the inline.xml by a little xml docbook article. the config.xml already
contained the good declaration.
I clean a bit the index.html, and replace the xbe_xpath=... by
xbe_xpath="/article" to get all my article loaded.
sounds all ok. and I just did the same to replicate your problem.
I didn't touch the css part because it's not the more important for the time,
but I haven't succeed to load my example (I use firebird and when I click
'edit' the cpu load raise the max and didn't decrease).
Ok, CSS is really not important here. Second, and more importantly, the
docbook schema is huuuuuuge. It took more than 30 seconds on my 1Ghz
Powerbook to load. Did you wait that long?

Another important point is, that all RelaxNG document have to have
text/xml as Content-Type. IF you load the examples through Apache, then
change in mime.types

text/xml xml xsl rng

if you load from the filesystem, you have to rename all Relaxng files
and the <include> definitions to ending with .xml
1 - did you know if is it possible to use bitflux editor to edit xmldocbook
files ?
I never really really tried. You certainly have to cut down the Schema,
otherwise it doesn't look very usable right now. On the other hand, I
know that Valentin from Fribourg is working on docbook integration and
hopefully will share his results or experiences some day with us ;)

2 - If is it possible, have U got a simple example ?
thank for your time !
regards, sebastien person
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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