New Features in BXE
Christian Stocker
2004-04-27 10:21:54 UTC

Despite the quite calm list here, we're busy working on BXE making 1.0

We added some cool new features to the latest snapshots:

- Image Selection with the drawer library from kupu

go to http://cvsdemo.bitfluxeditor.org/examples/inlineXHTML/
click on "Edit this Article" then click on the editable text. Now click
on the image button on the top and see the new thing in action ;)
Image Upload is currently missing, we will do an interface for that soon.
Thanks to the guys from kupu (http://kupu.oscom.org) for this cool
feature. We try to work more together with kupu in the future and will
maybe add more stuff from kupu and contribute back to them.

- Plugin support:

The so-called ImageDrawer is implemented as a plugin. The interface is
quite simple right now, see
for an example. and
for the corresponding config.xml tags.

- More advanced Button definitions.

Buttons can now not only trigger events, but also call functions and
insertElements. See
http://wiki.bitfluxeditor.org/index.php/ButtonDefinitions for more details

- Switch to Subversion:

We ditched CVS and use Subversion from now on. Instructions for that can
be found at http://www.bitfluxeditor.org/download/cvs/

- Roadmap

We are currently discussing, where BXE should head to and are looking
for input. We started with a little Roadmap at
http://wiki.bitfluxeditor.org/index.php/RoadMap . If you have anything
to say or any ideas what's missing, just write it in the wiki or write
an email to this mailinglist.

- Who's using BXE?

Last but not least, we'd like to know, who's using BXE or is planning to
use it soon. We will publish this list then on the webpage (if you don't
want to have your site published, but nevertheless let us know, we're
fine with that). So please tell us, if you're using BXE.

That's it and as already said, we'd always like to hear from you

christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | ***@bitflux.ch | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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