Alpha Sneak Preview of Next Generation Bitflux Editor released
Christian Stocker
2003-09-22 17:19:30 UTC
Hi out there

We finally released an Alpha Sneak Preview of the completely rewritten
Bitflux Editor.

It's still buggy, has some missing features and other limitations
(therefore it's called Alpha), but we don't want to hold it back any
longer and give you glimpse of what you can expect in the future.

Go to http://bitfluxeditor.org for more information about it.

Some of the new features are:

* Based on Mozile/eDOM (http://mozile.mozdev.org)
* Much easier integration in your CMS or other projects
* On-The-Fly Relax-NG Validation (not integrated yet)
* Extensible and exchangable widget system
* To a great extent event based -> easy adding of own event handlers
* Full support for XML Namespaces
* Native XHTML support
* No need for CSS styles, if in XHTML namespace
* "XSLT-less" mode. No need to write XSLTs, if you don't need it.
* Copy&Paste into and out of Mozilla
* Tag and Source-Edit Mode directly in the context
* Cleaned up GUI
* WebDAV support
* Delete over paragraphs
* Nicer attribute edit dialog
* Table Editing functionality.

We're still in full developing mode, therefore it's worth to check the
progress from time to time.

Any suggestions, feedback, bug reports, code-commits etc. are very
welcome. And if you have questions, just ask on one of our mailinglists,
we're more than happy to hear from you and help you with eventual problems.

Have fun

christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71
http://www.bitflux.ch | chregu=zfZwwz/hh/***@public.gmane.org | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB