Christian Stocker
2004-09-17 08:07:23 UTC
Silvan did something with the Drawer.js stuff. I have to ask him, what
exactly he did. That would explain the "linkLibrariesURI is not defined"
The other one regarding the Namespace Error, I can't exlain currently,
but I know, that sme things changed in the later Mozilla builds. I
thought, I fixed them (in 0.9.6-dev)
I'll come back to you, when Silvan's in the office.
And the discussion should go on in bx-editor-***
(CCed:), it's obviously a BXE problem, not a CMS one ;)
Silvan did something with the Drawer.js stuff. I have to ask him, what
exactly he did. That would explain the "linkLibrariesURI is not defined"
The other one regarding the Namespace Error, I can't exlain currently,
but I know, that sme things changed in the later Mozilla builds. I
thought, I fixed them (in 0.9.6-dev)
I'll come back to you, when Silvan's in the office.
And the discussion should go on in bx-editor-***
(CCed:), it's obviously a BXE problem, not a CMS one ;)
visible. Content in main visible and then disappears. No visible error
message. onUnload-Savehandler works.
Error: [Exception... "An attempt was made to create or change an object
in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces" code: "14"
Line: 505"]
Line: 505
Error: linkLibrariesURI is not defined
Line: 28
Firefox-0.8 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Firefox-0.9.x + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, disclaimer is displayed, above exception in javascript
Firefox-1.0PR + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, no disclaimer, above exception in javascript console
Firefox-1.0PR + 0.9.6-dev/200409110330/r808
Doesn't work, no disclaimer, above exception and linkLibrariesURI-error
in javascript console
Mozilla-1.5 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Mozilla-1.6 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Mozilla-1.6 + 0.9.6-dev/200409110330/r808 = works
Works, linkLibrariesURI-error in javascript console
Mozilla-1.7 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, disclaimer is displayed, above exception in javascript
So, IMHO the linkLibrariesURI-error doesn't seem to be browser dependent
but bxe-version dependent (shows up only in 0.9.6). Was there a
config-change i missed concerning the drawer?
The exceptions about namespaces occur since Mozilla >=1.7 and Firefox
Michael, what exactly did not work? Did you get that warning message?
The Editor loads partially and then hangs. Control panels not yetvisible. Content in main visible and then disappears. No visible error
message. onUnload-Savehandler works.
Error: [Exception... "An attempt was made to create or change an object
in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces" code: "14"
Line: 505"]
Line: 505
Error: linkLibrariesURI is not defined
Line: 28
Firefox-0.8 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Firefox-0.9.x + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, disclaimer is displayed, above exception in javascript
Firefox-1.0PR + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, no disclaimer, above exception in javascript console
Firefox-1.0PR + 0.9.6-dev/200409110330/r808
Doesn't work, no disclaimer, above exception and linkLibrariesURI-error
in javascript console
Mozilla-1.5 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Mozilla-1.6 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Works, no errors in javascript console
Mozilla-1.6 + 0.9.6-dev/200409110330/r808 = works
Works, linkLibrariesURI-error in javascript console
Mozilla-1.7 + 0.9.5/200407042345/r745
Doesn't work, disclaimer is displayed, above exception in javascript
So, IMHO the linkLibrariesURI-error doesn't seem to be browser dependent
but bxe-version dependent (shows up only in 0.9.6). Was there a
config-change i missed concerning the drawer?
The exceptions about namespaces occur since Mozilla >=1.7 and Firefox
Does this help? Any ideas?Gruss
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
bx-editor-dev mailing list
christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
phone +41 1 240 56 70 | mobile +41 76 561 88 60 | fax +41 1 240 56 71 | *** | gnupg-keyid 0x5CE1DECB
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