[Fwd: e-learning developement]
Christian Stocker
2004-06-03 09:28:03 UTC

Got this email yesterday, looks very interesting. Alessandro did
also implement some new other features (like loading a new XML Document
without having to reload the whole editor with all the scripts and RNGs
again and drag&drop of images). I hope we can integrate some of his
stuff in the original BXE code. WOuld be great.

I posted the screenshots on http://trash.chregu.tv/bxe-xul.html to not
to post large emails on this mailinglist ;)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: e-learning developement
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 16:12:54 +0200
From: ***@tiscali.it
To: ***@bitflux.ch

I send you some shots of my re-visitation of bitflux editor for an
e-learning environment, under developement in the university of Rome
"La Sapienza".
I'm still working to fix some bugs, that come out after adapting the bxe
LMML and adding some specific features to make editing easier.

UI has been reimplemented using XUL teconology, with many event handling
features too

There's much work to do, to get the editor really usable for our needs,
but I
feel I will accomplish the task.
I'm going to make a version that allows SMIL editing in a quite simple
direct way, maybe
using some patterns of XML tags, in order to relax users from a deep SMIL
sintax knowledge ( sort of mini Macromedia Flash composer).

I tell you all this just to give some information about a new
direction, based on you editor, that represents a great source of
at this final point of my studies.

So if you are interested in something about this work, my teacher
De Marsico specialized in Distance Learning issues and I, will be pleased
to be
contacted for any kind of collaboration!

best regards
Alessandro Spinuso

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christian stocker | Bitflux GmbH | schoeneggstrasse 5 | ch-8004 zurich
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